About Us
Headteacher's Welcome
Founded in 1977, we have been Harrogate’s Prep school for over 40 years. This is long enough for our school to witness the circle of life! We are now welcoming parents who were once pupils here themselves. Margie Sutcliffe, the founding Head, established a family ethos at Brackenfield that now lives on in perpetuity. More than anything else, children are happy and cared for here; we are an extended family.
Curriculum & Learning, Activities, Outdoor Learning and Community are the four areas of a powerful mission we use to focus our children’s achievements. Our actions, behaviours and attitudes are underpinned by the core values of Kindness, Honesty, Respect, Confidence, Initiative and Perseverance. As a result, children are not only academically able, they are also confident and caring individuals who become proud ambassadors for their school and their community.
We aim to support you as well as your children by providing flexibility. Our wraparound care includes before and after school provision that can provide busy families with more opportunities within their own work and careers. We also have an enriching extra curricular program that includes a variety of activities from sports, dance, arts & crafts and computer coding. This provides the peace of mind that comes from knowing your children are happy and busy too. Holiday time clubs offer enriching activities during non-term times that may help meet your needs further. And finally, children can start in our popular Nursery from their second birthday, continuing until they become the leading pupils of the school in Year 6.
Mr Joe Masterson