Contact Us

Brackenfield School


Brackenfield School
128 Duchy Road, Harrogate, HG1 2HE

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[email protected] / 01423 508 558

Out of Hours Contacts

Mr Joe Masterson - Headmaster

[email protected] 

Mrs Alison Balsamini - Designated Safeguarding Lead 

[email protected] / 07467 901619

Miss Katie Kerr-Nursery Manager 

[email protected]

Safeguarding Governor

Jo Storey - Group Lead Education, Compliance and Safeguarding

[email protected] / 07990 045810


Mrs Paula Russell 

[email protected]


Miss Lucy Whyte - Admissions Officer

[email protected] / [email protected]

Media Enquiries

Mrs Vicki McErlean - Director of Marketing & Admissions 

[email protected] / 07918 418934


Mr John Forsyth

[email protected] / 07443 103805

Contact Form

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