Fees and Conditions

We are delighted you are considering Brackenfield for your child.

Whether you want to enquire, arrange a visit to the school or make an application for your child to join us, the very first step is to click on the 'Enquire now' button below and complete the contact form. By you doing this, we can gather all the relevant information about your child to make sure we offer you the best possible information about your child's potential educational journey at Brackenfield. Our experienced and friendly Admissions team will guide you carefully through the process.




School Fees

Termly Tuition Fees - September 2024-August 2025

Main School

Yeargroup  Fees per term 
Reception (EYFS & Infants) £3,840
Year 1 & Year 2 (Infants) £3,890
Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6 (Juniors) £4,480

Breakfast Club - All Ages

Time Cost per session
7.30am - 8.20am (to include breakfast) £12
8.00am or later - 8.20am  £5

Late Stay 

Time Cost per session
3.30pm - 4.30pm £13
4.30pm - 5.50pm (following on from an activity club) £17
3.30pm - 5.50pm £24


TIme Cost per session
Standard Day    8.30am-3.30pm £70
Extended Day    8.00am-5.00pm £75
Morning Session    8.30am-12.30pm £42
Afternoon Session    12.30pm-3.30pm £35.50
Extra AM    7.30am-8.30am £15
Extra PM    5.00pm-6.00pm £17


Early Years Funding - Additional Information

* Please see the EYF booklet for further information - CLICK HERE 

Unfunded Hours  £10
Consumables (Per funded hour) £3

Extra Curricular Activities 

Costs for Extra Curricular Activities (ECA's) will be sent out separately, close to the beginning of each term. 

Trips & Residentials

Costs for trips and residential will be shared with relevant families as and when the trips and residential are planned.  

Details of our process are shown below : 



A non-refundable registration fee of £100.00 must accompany every application for admission or for a child to be placed on a waiting list.


A deposit of £500.00 per child is payable to confirm acceptance of a place in the school and is refundable at the end of the child’s normal time at school. The place is not confirmed until the fee is paid. If the child does not subsequently take up their pre-reserved place in the school, the acceptance fee is forfeited.

Payment of School Fees

School fees are due for payment five days before each term. Late payments will incur a £250.00 admin charge. Interest on overdue accounts will be charged on a weekly basis at 3% per month above the base lending rate. The school also reserves the right to refuse to accept a pupil for the following term whose account remains unsettled.

Early Years Funding for 3-4 Year Olds

The school partakes in the Early Years Funding scheme. Please see our nursery booklet for further information. 


Brackenfield School offers a competitive sibling policy for 3rd and 4th children. Please contact us for further details.

Increase in Fees

The school reserves the right to increase the fees for tuition as and when it becomes necessary, giving prior notice whenever possible. 


No reduction in fees can be made in cases of absence, irrespective of the cause of absence. Parents are advised to consider appropriate insurance to cover prolonged periods of absence from school.

Notice of Withdrawal of a Pupil

When a child joins Brackenfield School (including the Nursery Department) it is assumed that it is the intention of the parent for their child to complete his/her education at the school up to and including Year 6. However, if a parent chooses to withdraw a child from the school at any other time then the requisite notice in writing must be given, failing which Fees in Lieu of Notice will automatically be payable.

Notice Periods

A term's written notice is required for pupils withdrawing from Brackenfield. Notice must be given by the last day of the Term preceding the last Term. 

For the avoidance of doubt - as an example, if a parent wished to provide a Term's written notice to withdraw their pupil after the Autumn term (the term starting in September) then they must provide notice by the last day of Summer Term in order to allow a full term's notice. 



When a child joins the school it is assumed that the parent has agreed to the following:

  • In the event of need, the school will authorise medical treatment for a child without further request.
  • Children will be transported to matches, trips, etc by whatever arrangements the school deems to be appropriate.
  • The school may take photographs of activities that involve children and use these photographs responsibly for displays, publications, the school website and for local newspaper articles.

If parents have any objection to any of the conditions in the above paragraph (General) they must forward their objection in writing to the school. Parents may withdraw their consent to these 3 general conditions at any time providing this is done in writing.

Cancelling Acceptance of a Reception Place

In the case of pupils joining at the start of Reception, written notice must be given by the end of February half term of the year that they will be starting in Reception. If notice is received after this point it will be considered late notice and one term's fees at the rate payable for the term of entry (not limited to the parental contribution in the case of a scholarship, bursary or other award or concession), less the Acceptance Deposit, payable as a debt immediately unless the place is filled immediately and without loss to the school. 

Terms & Conditions

Our school values and mission areas, which are underpinned by our school policies, constitute Brackenfield's 'school rules'.

In the terms and conditions below, reference is made to our school rules and this constitutes a code of conduct for parents. By signing our terms and conditions you are agreeing to our school rules/code of conduct. 

Terms & Conditions - Main School 

Terms & Conditions - Nursery